Class FormatterElement


public class FormatterElement
extends java.lang.Object

A wrapper for the implementations of JUnitResultFormatter. In particular, used as a nested <formatter> element in a <junit> task.

For example,

       <junit printsummary="no" haltonfailure="yes" fork="false">
           <formatter type="plain" usefile="false" />
           <test name="org.apache.ecs.InternationalCharTest" />
adds a plain type implementation (PlainJUnitResultFormatter) to display the results of the test.

Either the type or the classname attribute must be set.

Stefan Bodewig
See Also:
JUnitTask, XMLJUnitResultFormatter, BriefJUnitResultFormatter, PlainJUnitResultFormatter, JUnitResultFormatter

Nested Class Summary
static class FormatterElement.TypeAttribute
           Enumerated attribute with the values "plain", "xml" and "brief".
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getClassname()
          Get name of class to be used as the formatter.
 java.lang.String getExtension()
 void setClassname(java.lang.String classname)
           Set name of class to be used as the formatter.
 void setExtension(java.lang.String ext)
 void setOutput( out)
           Set output stream for formatter to use.
 void setType(FormatterElement.TypeAttribute type)
           Quick way to use a standard formatter.
 void setUseFile(boolean useFile)
          Set whether the formatter should log to file.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FormatterElement()
Method Detail


public void setType(FormatterElement.TypeAttribute type)

Quick way to use a standard formatter.

At the moment, there are three supported standard formatters.

Sets classname attribute - so you can't use that attribute if you use this one.


public void setClassname(java.lang.String classname)

Set name of class to be used as the formatter.

This class must implement JUnitResultFormatter


public java.lang.String getClassname()
Get name of class to be used as the formatter.


public void setExtension(java.lang.String ext)


public java.lang.String getExtension()


public void setOutput( out)

Set output stream for formatter to use.

Defaults to standard out.


public void setUseFile(boolean useFile)
Set whether the formatter should log to file.