Class BatchTest


public final class BatchTest
extends BaseTest

Create then run JUnitTest's based on the list of files given by the fileset attribute.

Every .java or .class file in the fileset is assumed to be a testcase. A JUnitTest is created for each of these named classes with basic setup inherited from the parent BatchTest.

Jeff Martin, Stefan Bodewig, Stephane Bailliez
See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.hjl.junitscript.ant.BaseTest
args, destDir, errorProperty, failureProperty, filtertrace, fork, formatters, haltOnError, haltOnFail, ifProperty, unlessProperty, useArgs
Constructor Summary
BatchTest( project)
          create a new batchtest instance
Method Summary
 void addFileSet( fs)
          Add a new fileset instance to this batchtest.
 java.util.Enumeration elements()
          Return all JUnitTest instances obtain by applying the fileset rules.
Methods inherited from class com.hjl.junitscript.ant.BaseTest
addFormatter, createArg, getArguments, getErrorProperty, getFailureProperty, getFiltertrace, getFork, getHaltonerror, getHaltonfailure, getTodir, setArguments, setErrorProperty, setFailureProperty, setFiltertrace, setFork, setHaltonerror, setHaltonfailure, setIf, setTodir, setUnless, setUseArgs
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BatchTest( project)
create a new batchtest instance

project - the project it depends on.
Method Detail


public void addFileSet( fs)
Add a new fileset instance to this batchtest. Whatever the fileset is, only filename that are .java or .class will be considered as 'candidates'.

fs - the new fileset containing the rules to get the testcases.


public final java.util.Enumeration elements()
Return all JUnitTest instances obtain by applying the fileset rules.

an enumeration of all elements of this batchtest that are a JUnitTest instance.