MyGroup JUnitScript

Installing JUnitScript



Installing the software is simple. Only a couple of steps will be required for most people. For the most part nothing more than installing some jar files and placing them in the classpath is required.

Supported Java Virtual Machine Versions

Currently, only 1.4+ is supported. If you require earlier versions of the JVM, then please drop me an e-mail me and I'll see what I can do.

Third Party Components

This section describes the third party components to install.

Third Party Components
Name Description Jars Versions Required
JUnit JUnit testing framework junit.jar 3.8.1 Yes
Ant Ant runtime libraries ant.jar, optional.jar 1.5+ Yes
Bean Scripting Framework Provides multiple scripts bsf.jar 2.3 No, if only BeanShell or Javascript wanted (Yes to build)
BeanShell A Java-like scripting language bsh-1.2b7.jar 1.2b7 No, if BeanShell scripting is not wanted (Yes to build)
Rhino ECMA-Script (Javascript) implementation js.jar 1.5+ No, if Javascript scripting is not wanted (Yes to build)
Jython Java Python implementation jython.jar 2.1 No, if Jython scripting is not wanted (Yes to run tests)
Forrest Documentation system The whole system 0.4 No, (Yes to build documentation)
Earlier versions of these components may very likely work. Please e-mail me if you have success or failures with other versions


Once the correct packages above have been installed, download and unzip the binary distribution of JUnitScript. Now, add junitscript.jar to your classpath. That's it, you should be ready to starting testing with scripts.